Pyramid Lake and Ball Lakes are located northwest of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, up the Trout Creek Road. Brendon and I headed out Friday night and made it up to Pyramid Lake right before sunset. The trail was easy and it was only one mile to the first lake. We grabbed a bedtime snack, crawled in our tent and called it a night. The next morning, we had the opportunity to take some pictures and make a quick day hike up to Ball Lakes which was still frozen over. The trail from Pyramid to Ball was mostly switchbacks, and both shallow lakes were located in a cirque of rocks. Because of time restrictions, we were unable to do any significant exploring of the area. We simply hurried back to the vehicle and home. It appears 1999 is the year of the moose, because Brendon and I saw three more on the drive home.
James at Pyramid Lake.
Pyramid Lake from the hike up to Ball Lake.
Ball Lake