We wanted to do some more multi-pitch climbing, so Doug and I went up to Lincoln Falls to give the main gully a shot. Brian was already in Silverthorne, Colorado, skiing so he joined us for the morning before heading back to meet his family. Although I've read that this is a three pitch climb, we were able to easily complete it in two. I lead the first pitch passing the slung boulder on climbers left and set up a three screw anchor over half way up the ice. We thought it might be interesting to belay two seconds since the gully is fairly wide. I brought Brian and Doug up at the same time and then Doug lead the second pitch to a large bolted boulder on the top.
Doug and I rappelled together and then Brian followed us down. With the double ropes it obviously only took two rappels, but with a single rope you would have to make three. Brian had to head out after one run up the gully, so Doug and I went up again exchanging the pitches that we had already done. It was a comfortable day. The far right curtain was now only a pillar.
Lincoln Falls
Lincoln Falls
Doug and Brian
Doug and Brian