After climbing Pacific Peak's North Couloir earlier in the morning, I decided to see if Quandary Peak's Cristo Couloir had any snow left in it. Although I had been on this route just over a year ago, it was on my way home and a relatively short hike so I thought I'd check it out. I wasn't sure what snow conditions would be like at 10:00, but I was going to find out. The snow had softened from what I experienced on Pacific, but it appeared safe. I slogged my way up the Cristo traversing back and forth. By the time I reached the summit, it had begun snowing. I quickly returned to the top of the couloir and worked my way down the snow. A combination of down-climbing and glissading had me back at my vehicle in 3 hours and 40 minutes. The generally overcast weather and cooler temperatures is what probably allowed me to hike this late it the day on snow without much difficulty.
Cristo Couloir
Looking down after gaining a bit of elevation.
Looking up the snow couloir.
Dam and Reservoir
Quandary Peak