The three of us climbed Young and the Rackless (5.9) and then moved up to the Second Tier/Middle Wall of Avalon in Boulder Canyon. We climbed Disinclination (5.7), Incline Club (5.8), and Tomb of Sorrows (5.8).
Brian-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 1Brian-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 1Brian-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 1Jeff-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 2Jeff-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 2Jeff-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 2Brian-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 3Brian-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 3Jeff and Brian-Young and the Rackless-Pitch 4Brian-DisinclinationBrian-DisinclinationJames-DisinclinationJames-DisinclinationBrian-Incline ClubJames-Incline ClubJames-DisinclinationBrian-Tomb of Sorrows