The forecast for the mountains wasn't promising, so I stayed closer to home. Earlier in the week, Jeff hiked down to Hully Gully to see if the ice was in. His reports were positive for the upper pitch; however, the lower pitch hadn't filled in and there was a large rock band across the middle of the flow. We decided to go relatively early and get a few laps in. As we geared up at the base of the climb, another party lowered a top-rope and rappelled down to us. They allowed me to lead the pitch before they started climbing. This pitch is fairly long and cannot be top-roped with a 60 meter rope. I felt good for the entire lead, but it steepened towards the top when I was getting a little fatigued. I put in five screws. I brought Jeff up who hadn't been out climbing yet this season. Once the screaming barfies came and went, he led a short rock/ice step out to easier terrain above us. Another party arrived as we were climbing and they set up a top-rope on the ice we just climbed with the understanding that Jeff and I could take a ride on their rope. We hiked back down and around to the base of the climb so they didn't have to wait for us to break down our anchor and rappel to them. By the time we got back down, both parties offered to let us climb on their ropes. We each made a couple more laps, thanked everyone for the use of their top-ropes, and cruised home. Despite the fact that it was before noon, Jeff served me a cold beer once back at his house. It was a fun quick morning.