Ice climbing season ended somewhat abruptly due to the coronavirus pandemic so this hike was the start of snow climbing season. Brian and I went up to Fremont Pass south of Copper Mountain and made a quick jaunt up Mount Arkansas and the Moonshine Couloir. It had been eight years since I hiked the Moonshine Couloir of Mount Arkansas. We hiked up the basin toward Mount Democrat about 1.5 miles before making a sharp right into the upper basin below the snow climb. Snow conditions were generally favorable all day. We only experienced a bit of post-holing as we neared the trailhead on the way down around 11:45 am. We descended the north ridge back to the trailhead for a five hour car-to-car day.
James on the approach to the upper basin.
Brian took this impressive photo of Mount Arkansas and the Moonshine Couloir.
Brian in the upper basin hiking towards Mount Arkansas.
James on the approach.
Brian with the Moonshine Couloir.
Mount Arkansas Moonshine Couloir
Brian starting up the snow climb.
Brian climbing the Moonshine Couloir.
Looking down towards the lower and upper basins.
James below the looming cornice at the top of the climb.
Brian below the cornice.
Brian finishing the snow climb.
James making the final steps to the summit.
Brian just below the summit of Mount Arkansas.
Summit Photo
The descent down the north ridge.
Looking back up the north ridge.