
  • Date - 07/23/2024
  • Elevation - 9,658'
  • Route - East Slopes
  • Miles - 4.0
  • Elevation Gain - 1,833'
  • ACME Mapper - Link
  • CalTopo - Link
  • Partners - Not Applicable


I was working in south central Colorado for a couple weeks, so this particular evening I found a reasonable hike to get me to a named peak.  Dog Mountain is south of Del Norte, Colorado, and only required about 4 miles of driving on gravel roads to get to a trailhead for hiking the mountain.  There was no trail from start to summit, but the statistics were acceptable for a cross country bushwhacking hike.  Lots of cactus and cut up legs, but I made the summit and enjoyed a different part of the state that I haven't been hiking in.


The book-cliffs you hike below at the beginning of the hike.

My first views of Dog Mountain on the left in the distance.

Looking back towards the trailhead and book-cliffs.

My first good look at Dog Mountain.

Heading up the north slopes of Dog Mountain.

Views to the north and Pup Peak.

Views to the west from the summit.

Views to the south.

Summit Photo

Deer skull in the summit cairn.