
  • Date - 02/08/2025
  • Elevation - 8,800'
  • Route - Rigid Designator/The Gargoyle
  • Miles - 1.0
  • Elevation Gain - 500'
  • ACME Mapper - Link
  • CalTopo - Link
  • Partners - Brian Kooienga, Kevin Smith, Nick Quesnel


I hadn't been out ice climbing all season and clearly it showed when I finally did get out.  Nick and I left the Wooly Mammoth park-n-ride at 6:00 am and made it to Vail, Colorado, at 8:30 am.  Not great, not terrible, basically 3.6 roentgen.  The plan was to ease into the season for me by climbing at the Spiral Staircase, The Pencil, and The Eraser.  However, as we hiked through the Rigid Designator Amphitheatre, nobody was climbing on the newly formed pillar named The Gargoyle.  The Gargoyle is a large pillar to the left of the Rigid Designator which formed for the first time in the 2024/2025 ice climbing season after help from a hanging cable.

As we prepared to climb, the party on the Rigid Designator asked if they could climb The Gargoyle and we climb the Rigid Designator.  I wasn't leading and didn't care, so Nick agreed to swap pillars.  Nick warmed up on the Designator placing 6 screws before topping out and returning to the base.  However, at this point Nick and I watched the other party's leader take a 30 foot whipper off The Gargoyle.  Despite his top screw blowing out, he seemed generally fine with the exception of some cuts, bruises, and a sore shoulder and hip from where he hit on the fall.

I ran a lap on the Rigid Designator, and then Nick and I moved over to The Gargoyle where Nick retrieved the other climber's gear for them.  Nick finished leading The Gargoyle and gave me a turn on top rope.  I struggled and was pumped out before making the top.  At this point, Brian and Kevin showed up and each took a turn on the climb.  I gave it one more go before we called it a day and headed home.


The Fang

Rigid Designator

The Gargoyle

The Gargoyle and Rigid Designator

The Gargoyle and Rigid Designator

Nick leading the Rigid Designator.

Nick leading the Rigid Designator.

Nick topping out on the Rigid Designator.

Nick topping out on The Gargoyle.

Brian on The Gargoyle.

Kevin on The Gargoyle